Lake Chad, Maitama

  • 0000800
  • (0 Reviews)

Total Projected Return

Minimum Investment Amount



Actual ROI may vary and depends on the final earnings on the project as determined by directors & shareholders on the SPC

Investment category


Investment Duration

36 Months

Projected Annual Return


Projected Annual Appreciation



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Secondary Market


Investment Summary

Account user can only withdraw sum paid for investment within the investment offering window and is subject to 10% deduction as applicable charges. If you intend to swap your investment category, please contact us HERE

Project Description

The real estate asset is a boutique hotel comprising of 22 bespoke rooms built to standard and features similar to the Marriott brand and professional managed by Stay & Homely Ltd, a hospitality company under the DreamCity Group auspices. Your investment is tied to this specific commercial real estate asset offering fixed return on investment over an investment cycle of 36months; Repayment shall be paid in twelve(12) quarterly tranches comprising of capital invested and earned returns inline with the advertised percentage ROI for this offering. Upon completion of this investment cycle your combined returns shall be at minimum 30%. The Investment offering provide the following advantages: I. Early capital repayment means your capital can be revolve into other investment offerings. II. This early capital repayment can be reinvested and thus increasing your overall earning over the same period. III. Fixed returns on invesment IV. Defined investment period (Cycle) V. Short investment cycle with early repayment Please note: I. Your investment is tied to shares of similar value and units on the special purpose company tied to this investment offering II. Upon closure of this investment offerings, details shall be provided with regards the special purpose company name and your stake (shares) on this asset. III. You also have the opportunity to be nominated to join our investment supervisory committee saddled with oversize function on this investment and the SPC IV. Upon completion of investment round a 10% service charge shall apply, deductible by DreamCity Capital Ltd For more details please call our investment advisor 08076716164.

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